Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset

To begin, I have not heard of Carol Dweck before. However, I have heard of this approach with respect to praising effort that children put forth rather than simply guessing the right answer or “innate” intelligence. This can sometimes be owed to different opportunities available to respective children. However, with an especial thank to technology in today’s culture, virtually anyone can excel with hard work. Furthermore, I think that I fell victim to having a fixed mindset as a small child since I was an honor roll student. It was easy and it felt good to apply the fundamental attribution error to my academic progress. But, as I have matured I have learned otherwise. My courses at OU quickly taught me that my “natural” intelligence could only get me so far (which wasn’t very far). Thus, I realized sentiments like the things Carol Dweck expressed. In addition, I have done many case studies with respect to this approach and I fully appreciate and agree with it. Ergo, I would love to learn more about this way of learning. I feel like it is the best way to create an all-inclusive community of learning, to promote a thorough foundation of a will to learn, prevent stagnation and to avoid disenfranchisement of individuals who may feel inadequate.

                                              Image result for growth mindset carol dweck ted
                                          Image of Carol Dweck with a quote from TED Talk
                                                                       Carol Dweck


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