
Showing posts from September, 2017

Tech Tip: Dashboard

I have always been really fond on the new platform since we transitioned from D2L. Canvas dashboard makes everything show much more accessible. I have configured my dashboard to utilize a to-do list and an upcoming section. Last, I can't think of  anything new that I would like to see. But if something new comes up, I am hopeful to learn about it. I am sure it will be super helpful. Canvas is great!

Reading Notes: Kunti and Her Son

I decided to narrow my scope to the story of Kunti and her son. This story feels sort of like a prequel as  Kunti, who will become the wife of King Pandu, has a son. This is even mentioned in the introduction. Karna, the son, in my opinion is not presented as one of the most complex figures in the story as he will soon become. I can appreciates this since the beginning of the story seems to really focus in on his mother. To add to this, Karna was born in secret. I feel that this adds to contrast to his ultimate role in the stories. However, the story does foreshadow that he had the eyes of a lion and shoulders of a bull. However, even just as a baby he is already seen as such as blessing by his finder after he is floated up the stream by his mother. I really enjoyed this type of foreshadowing, preceded by the in-depth humility of the mother.                                      ...

Famous Last Words: Week 5

This week was a lot less hectic than last week for me. This week has given me time to really engage in my courses again. Particularly this one, which I unfortunately had to partially neglect last week. However, I got the chance to do some great research about some of the stories that I read which was really fun. In addition, I got a chance to really find a groove on the day that I published by planning assignment. Subsequently, I was already in a writing mood, so I took the time after I finished that assignment to work on a statistics paper that needed some attention. Also, I have completed almost all of the extra credit assignments for this week, which I am proud of. While completing the extra commenting, I read a lot of good stories and projects. It gave me the opportunity to see the assignments from different perspectives and gave me a lot of ideas for mine. Not to mention, I got the chance to interact with my classmates and give some constructive feedback which...

Learning by H.E.A.R.T.: Attention

I don't that I affirmatively knew anything from this article, is nothing was confirmed. However, I did learn a lot. For instead, being able to daydream is an essential when it comes to having willpower and being creative in every day life. Thus, it is important a lot yourself that sort of time. This raised many more questions for me. For example, being a biology major, I wonder about the physiology behind this. So I am going to do some research in the New England medical journal that I frequently refer to so that I can learn more about it.                                                                                 Make Sure to Daydream!

Growth Mindset: Quotes

Quote Link "I feel like growth mindset is the best way to create an all-inclusive community of learning and to avoid disenfranchisement of individuals that may feel inadequate." - This quote really resonated with me. This is exactly what I took away from this approach. It is a great way to make everyone feel included even though different individuals may be quicker at learning certain things. And whats more, since it praises effort, it can help everyone become better learners, even those who seem to get things right away. "Results are important, but there are many valuable lessons to be obtained from understanding the process itself. "- I couldn't agree with this quote. Getting the right answer is important, but especially for students, the method is of more consequence. The right answer is simply a reward that means you have done a great job in the most important part.                                ...

Tech Tip: Canvas Notifications

I have adjusted my Canvas notifications to all.

Comment Wall

Portfolio Link :

Week 5 Planning: Crossing the River

I chose this story after reading the example for the storytelling project. I looked at the story and it spiked my interest to do some research. Link:  Crossing The River   Banyan Tree - This is the kind of tree that the three take rest under for the night. As it turns out, Wikipedia had a lot information on it. One thing that I found really interesting is that is a tree that grows around an existing plant. It bears multiple fruits and can even be the home to many different species of birds. Even more fitting, it is the official plant of the Republic of India. I think that this displays its great cultural significance. Moreover, Wikipedia went on to have written that the tree is sacred in India, and it was a custom to take shelter under these sorts of trees. This makes since why Rama, Sita and Lakshmana rested here in the story. Kosala Kingdom - “Driving fast for two days, Rama reached the boundary of Koshala, and, turning back toward Ayodhya, bade farewell to land...

Reading Notes: Rama D

I think one thing to take note of these stories is the polar extremes in characters. I have seen this in most of the stories that I have read. Characters are either truly evil or truly good and/or very powerful or very meek, a god or a mortal. For example, in the story of Rama as told by Valmiki, the bird-man and woman are dancing and singing in the woods, depicting a very blissful couple. However, they are shot down by a “wicked” hunter. There is always plenty of contrast between characters. I will try to take this into account in my stories. However, after reading, it seemed like yoga allowed the mortals to channel more divine powers. This can be seen in the story when they attempt to ponder subjects. I really enjoyed that there was a mechanism for this.   If I were to write a story, I would like to see something that more leveled the playing field of these characteristics.                         ...