
Learning Challenge: "Data Reveals How Some College Student's Sleep"

For this week's Learning Challenge, I read an article about sleeping. The article is entitled Data Reveals How Some College Students Sleep . The article was written with the interest of how sleeping conditions may affect learning. In essence, the study followed the sleeping habits of college students aged from 18-22 and tracked certain conditions. One things they found was students aren't that sleep deprived. The average student in this study clocked in 7 hours and 3 minutes of rest a night. I can honestly say that this was something that was confirmed for me. And if you've ever lived in a fraternity, you would have a really hard time believing it was shy of that number. Something that I learned from this study was that women go to bed and wake up earlier than men. Although, this makes a lot of sense. The two are probably correlated. Moreover, one thing that made me curious was the finding that tougher schools have the most sleep deprived students. For instance, Columbia in...

Famous Last Words: Week 14

I hope we are all getting back from Thanksgiving break a few pounds richer, so I won’t feel so bad. Also, I hope everyone is coming back feeling refreshed. I think that this break is very pivotal during a fall semester. The weather is changing and it’s a weird transition to make, so a little break helps to get ready for finals. I did quite a bit of studying over the break, however, I did not let it get in the way of spending plenty of time with my family. In addition, I completed quite a bit of extra credit for this course, which I always enjoy doing. At my parents’ house back in Tulsa, I tucked myself away in my favorite place to do writing, watched the leaves fall (maybe stole a slice of pie!) and began working on my writing. With all the time spent writing and spending time with family, I hardly had time to even think about my medical school interview in San Francisco, but I did visit for a day and a half prior to the break starting and it went well. In fact, I ...

Review: Week 15

I have backed up and checked up on my progress. My favorite announcement is the extra credit, hence I am doing it now because I am so close to finished! In addition, I also appreciated the announcement in regard to the twitter feed for this class. I totally forgot that I made a twitter last week and that I can now see all of the posts for that stream. Plus, the announcement included the username of the account. There's are a lot of helpful things that are posted with relevance to what's going on around campus, so I'll try to stay updated from here on out.                                                                              Extra credit meme in the Christmas spirit!

Tech Tip: Twitter Follow

I have just made my fist follow thanks to this tech tip. It was very easy and I think that I am about to go and follow a bunch more profiles. Moreover, I have decided to follow Professor Gibbs so that I can stay updated on the class and see all of the really interring things that I have had to otherwise see through canvas. #timeefficiency                                                                                                                                Twitter Follow Icon

Tech Tip: First Tweet

I just created a new twitter since I did not have one before. I look forward to using it to stay connected and be informed. I am really excited to start following people and putting information out there myself! Further, I have hash tagged this course and tweeted at Professor Gibbs.                                                                                                                                  Twitter Logo

Wikipedia: The Cherokees

I found on this class twitter system and sort of followed the worm that led after it.  Cherokees : The Cherokees are an indigenous people of the Southeastern Woodlands. Prior to the 18th century, they were concentrated in southwestern North Carolina, southeastern Tennessee, and the tips of western South Carolina and northeastern Georgia. One of the three federally recognized tribes reside in Oklahoma. Indian territory : This can be described as an evolving land area that was set aside by the United States Government for the relocation of Native Americans who held aboriginal title to their land. In general, the tribes ceded land they occupied in exchange for land grants in an area purchased by the United States federal government from Napoleonic France, the Louisiana Purchase. Oklahoma makes up a large portion of this territory. Aboriginal title : I thought it was important to add that natives aren’t called so for no reason. An aboriginal title is a common law doctrine ...

Review: Week 14

I have checked up on my placing in the class and backed up. My favorite announcement for this week is not so much an announcement at all. I really enjoyed the awesome organization of this weeks post. Plus, the announcements of the past weeks were very helpful as well.                                                     Hopefully no one feels this emotion during this time in the semester!